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September 14, 2015
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday, September 14, 2015
Town Hall Annex
        October 4, 2015

Present: Lynne Grettum, Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino, Ron Milenski and Andy Brown

Parker I – Beaman Road - Site Visit and Inspection – 6:45 pm.
A site visit and inspection of Parker I Cemetery took place prior to the regular meeting. The general condition of Parker I Cemetery was much improved and in good condition. Superintendent Brown will determine if one or two trees will need to be removed for safety reasons.

Meeting Commenced at 7:15 pm in the Town Hall Annex

August Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the August Meeting were approved as written. The July Minutes were not available for review.

Superintendent Report

The superintendent’s report was reviewed and approved. No questions were asked.

Proposed New Organizational Model for Cemetery Foreman

The existing organization system for cemetery employees utilizes seasonal employees to accomplish the annual work objectives. Presently, there is a cemetery foreman and a part time employee. These positions are structured from April until November annually. Superintendent, Brown supervises these employees.

The proposed new organizational model would facilitate the full time employment of the cemetery foreman by splitting time with the Highway and Building Maintenance Departments. The proposed position would provide fall/winter seasonal employment consisting of snow removal and building repairs and maintenance.

The cemetery committee discussed the model and supports it.

Jamie Dolege, our cemetery foreman has applied for the new posted position.

Woodlawn Cemetery – Reclaiming Abandoned Lots/Plots

Two abandoned plots: # 150 belonging to Helen G. Brooks and # 101 belonging to Howe  are unclaimed and unused for the minimum number of years – 75 years. Superintendent, Brown performed the town’s legal obligation of posting claiming notice in Worcester Telegram. The required waiting period was also observed as required. No one has claimed the plots/lots.     

  • The Brooks plot/lot # 150 which was purchased in 1922 for $5.00 and has not been used since that time. It consists of three sections – # 150 A, B and C. Section # 150 B has a vault in place and will not be resold. Sections A & C have six lots each and will be resold as family plots.
Motion was made to reclaim and resell the Brooks plots/lots. Vote carried unanimously.

  • The Howe # 101 plot/lot consists of 12 lots. There is no existing deed or record of the Howe plot/lot.    
Motion was made to reclaim and resell the Howe plots/lots. Vote carried unanimously.
The Anderson Family will purchase 11 of the 12 lots reclaimed from plot # 101.

Mr. Lynch requests to purchase 5 lots in section # 150 C. Superintendent, Brown recommended that $212.00 charge be added to the lot cost to pay for the ground radar detection. The ground radar detection verifies if the plots/lots are occupied.

Motion was made to sell Mr. Lynch 5 lots in section # 150 C plus the $212.00 ground radar detection charge. Vote carried unanimously.

Discussion Regarding Monument Placement Rules

Superintendent, Brown recommended that going forward single full burial lots which have a 39 inch width only be allowed monument stones that are no more than 20 inches in width. The rational is that this dimension will allow for easier maintenance and minimize the fence/wall look of the cemetery.

Brown also suggested that going forward all cremation lots be marked by flat stone monuments, since these lots are only 3 feet x 4 feet in dimension. Again the maintenance and appearance issues are the rational. Discussion of Brown’s recommendations took place and the committee suggested that Brown write a formal proposal. Chairman, Grettum suggested that the proposal be reopened at the October meeting.  All members agreed.

Fertilizer Purchase and Application

Members unanimously approved the purchase of 8 bags of 5-4-3 organic fertilizer and 3 bags of SoluCal Lime for application to 20,000 sq.ft at Woodlawn Cemetery in September and 4 bags of 14-2-6 fertilizer for October application. The applications are targeted at improving the turf conditions on the 1986 section of Woodlawn Cemetery.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 19, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Minutes Taken by Ron Milenski, Secretary